Business economics  

Learning Outcomes By accomplishing this course, students will have obtained insight into the principles of financing and economic operations of enterprises and organisations. They will have obtained the fundamentals of the main forms of entrepreneurship, both on a formal/legal and on an operative level. They will have been acquainted with the main forms of markets (monopoly, oligopoly, free competition) and they will be able to recognize the various market forms, based of quantitative features. Finally, they will have learned the possible ways of capital formation (equity and debt) as well as contemporary forms of financing and developing entrepreneurial activities. The markets' operation and their impact on entrepreneurship. General Competences Apply knowledge in practice Retrieve, analyse and synthesise data and information, with the use of necessary technologies Make decisions Work autonomously Work in an interdisciplinary team Course Content (Syllabus) Entrepreneurship and the economy (macro- and microeconomics, the role of enterprises, fundamentals) Companies: legal forms and operational aspects Markets (Monopolies, oligopolies, free markets) Investments financing (Capital structure, loans and equities) Stocks and stock markets Balance sheets and cash-flows statements: principles and basic elements. Capital structure and financing forms. Commercial and bank funds. Stocks and the stock exchange market. Bonds and loans. Factoring and leasing. Public Private Partnerships.
Business economics

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